Looking worse for wear – Lewis Adams Photography
We spoke to one driver about his experiences in National Bangers, and his thoughts on the sport. 165 Ben Randall has raced nearly all types of bangers going, having helped his dad and brother when he was younger, to racing himself properly in the last few years. He says, “If he’s not been at work it’s been building the cars”.
We asked Ben what his favourite type of banger to race was, and like many, he said the Unlimited class. “The buzz is just something else”. Ben has recently been trying out different cars as he’s always used Lexus Soarer’s but believes “Mercs are the way to go”, along with the special cars he’s picked up along the way.
National bangers race across the country, across tarmac and shale. Ben’s favourite track is the Adrian Flux Arena, Kings Lynn. “Everything about it is spot on”, he goes onto say “it’s a well looked after track, the staff are all great, they always talk and have a laugh”. Like any motorsport, banger racing is dangerous and some people get hurt. Ben says, “The only time I got hurt they made sure everything was okay and even sent a text a few days later, things like that are the reason they are the best in my opinion”.
Ben displaying one of his cars at the TrackStar stand at MWA. 
From the outside, it’s great to watch cars get smashed up, but we asked Ben about building the cars. He said, “It takes me a good week as I only get evenings to do them, mostly on my own, or when my dad is not away he helps a lot”. He occasionally has people to help out which of course is much appreciated. Most of Ben's cars come off the internet, from auction sites and such, or through his work at a breakdown recovery company. Many drivers have links to scrapyards allowing them to source cars and parts easier and cheaper, but not all. Every formula has some people who do have it easier than others. Despite this, we asked Ben what he would say to anyone wanting to race a banger he responded with “it’s got to be in you to do and it will take over your life to do it properly”, he later says “I can’t see myself doing anything else and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
Moza's Race Photos
We finished this interview with a question many people in the Stockcar community ask, and that’s 'why would you spend a week building a car for it to be smashed up on the first bend?' Ben simply responds with, “It’s what I’ve been brought up with and I wouldn’t know what else I’d do. It’s everywhere I go, from a yard full of cars to all my friends and work” He finishes with, “Whether it’s the first bend or end of the meeting it’s just what I enjoy doing”, which is exactly what motorsport is about!
We thank Ben for talking to us and look forward to seeing him on track again soon.​​​​​​​
Back 2 Basics at Yarmouth – Graham Utting Photography
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